Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Totally beWitched.

News time!! I just signed up to Witchery - check their website out here. I'm totally obsessed with their tops and knits (anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE knits). I've had to top up my account twice already and I only signed up two weeks ago! I'm off to blow my budget (again) - have an awesome day darlings!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The way she shines

This is my new fashion covet. Seriously. Kinky blindfold included. Can a woman be floaty and feminine but vivacious and out there in brights at the same time? I think she can. Talk about standing out in a crowd. Besides, think about it, it can double - you can wear it to a ball without getting sideways looks for the almost thigh high split because hey - you look like a lady don't you? But it could double - along with the kinky blindfold - for some kind of twisted masquerade party. It is a gorgeous dress though. I fell flat on the floor (okay, only off my chair - it is a very high one though) when I saw it. And you think it's bad when you drip coffee on yourself. Try an almost full cup of almost boiling chai latte. Not awesome. Okay, can we stop venturing off on tangents? IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DRESS. Ladies and gentlemen, will you all give it up for the genius of Valentino.

Through Art Coloured Glasses

I make no bones about it - art is what I'm good at. I took no interest in maths or science at school. I dropped all that as soon as I could in favour of the things that meant something to me - art, dance, music and language. To me, art is something that defies boundaries and borders. It can heal and bring people together. It's also one of the most diverse, creative, dramatic, romantic and sensitive ways to express yourself. I could go on. What I'm aiming for here is a bunch of musings. I don't want them to have sequence or order. In the words of one of my fave models, the divine Ms. de la Fressange: "I don’t like it when things are systematic. I get bored. That’s so French" These are things that nourish my soul and I'm putting them out there for you in case they nourish yours. We'll wander off the path from time to time - we'll get caught up in issues I didn't necessarily intend for this blog to be about - but that is what life is all about. Embark with me on this journey. You never know, we might just grow together.